Welcome to join the war in learning DevOps, as we all know git and GitHub is something which are foundational skills to get yourself ready for the battle whether it is for developers or DevOps engineers, we all have to at some point in our lives encounter large bases of code working with lots of developers, teams or maybe in a small project,who cares. All that matters is, you can collaborate, deliver, update, and monitor your project in the most efficient way possible!!! and here comes our best weapon nowadays which is git and GitHub!!!
In simpler words, GitHub allows us to create git repositories,don't worry with the word I will explain; git repositories are the places where you store your code or files, by creating a git repository you can either keep it on your local folder or push it to GitHub from where your repository can be shared by others and can be saved safe and sound forever. most importantly through git, you can version control your system. now Abdul what does that mean?
let's suppose you were working on your code and it worked fine, until and unless you decided to make some changes in it which made it cause an error, and now you are sitting clueless about what had you done and wish gosh if there was a way i could ever go back to my previous version to use it and could track what changes i had done to the previous one so i can fix it , here comes git version control, by creating git respository, coming back to version control you can actually track your changes and go back to whatever version of code you want to use because every change you do the respository forming a new repository is allocated a new version which allows you to completely track your repositories with each version numbers, this is what git allows you and that's awesome ,and more awesome trust me if you will learn it till the end and apply to use!